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Our Taekwondo classes are structured, disciplined environments where students are expected to follow the instructions. With a focus on physical fighting skills, our Taekwondo classes also teaches discipline and, in doing so, allows children to train their bodies and minds in order to improve their spirit and life.


Little Tiger Class

(AGE 4 - 5)

Our Little Tiger program will help your child develop essential skills that they can apply to all areas of life, while having fun and socializing.

Junior Class

(AGE 6 - 10)

The Junior Class introduces the more formal aspects of Taekwondo. Class remains the importance of diligence and determinationChildren learn skills that enhance self-confidence, discipline, pride, respect and friendly.


Teen & Adult Class

(AGE 11+)

The Master Jung's Taekwondo curriculum provides a great way for adults to stay in shape. There are always more challenges ahead to keep you inspired and coming back for more!

Leadership Team Class

The Leadership Team is a program for children who want to maximize their Taekwondo training and develop leadership skills that will serve them in all aspects of their lives.


At our Master Jung's Taekwondo, we teach the basics of discipline and respect to our children. We also teach children to develop their mindsets to believe everything is possible, to be responsible for their actions and lives, and to be those who act with respect for themselves and others. 

We keep children working hard and pushing themselves to try things they did not know they were capable of. If children feel engaged, entertained, supported, and challenged, there is no limit to what they can do!

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